Yesterday was an interesting day, my car decided to stop on me. I received a jump from a guy at my job and then I went to the laundry. Well the car stopped again and I was around the corner from a auto shop so I asked the guy for a jump and he gave it to me and said to bring it around so he could check it out. I did this and he said I needed and alternator and a new battery which would cost me $365.00 installed and he could do it right then, it would only take an hour. I was like great now I have to spend this kind of money and put it on my credit card that I have not used in over a year. I called my husband and couldn't reach him then I called my cousin and my dad, they said get it fixed it sounds like a good price.
I then went over to an auto parts store and found out how much the parts cost and from what the guy told me it would be about the same price. So after I did all this I told the mechanic okay fix my car I will wait. He said now he would have to do it tomorrow. Long story short I took the train home and settled it in myself that I would charge it and then take money from savings and pay it.
When I got to work I felt uneasy so I decided I would take it from the place and use the guy that I usually deal with. I asked the garage foreman at my job to take me to get my car and explained the situation to him. He said it seems like a good price but let me call the guy I deal with, these guys will really take care of you I'll tell them your my sister. So I took it over there and by the end of the day they fixed my car. This is the blessing part, I only needed a new battery, not an alternator and they only charged me $65.00!!!!!! It's like I got the battery for free because their hourly rate is $60.00.
Yahweh is ever taking care of me and he did not allow the enemy to steal from me. He sent me to the right person to receive my blessing. As long as I allow him to order my steps, listen to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and cast my cares on him, He always causes me to prosper.
1 comment:
This is a major confirmation that Yahweh speaks ALL the time and isn't it good to hear Him?! I am rejoicing that the devil did not steal not even one cent from you. HAHAHA, he's such a LOSER!
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