
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Yahweh is the Owner, I am the Manager

This is really a revelation to me, let me start from the beginning. Over a year ago I decided that I would not do anymore overtime at my job. I would just trust Yahweh for it and not try to do it in my own strength. Well anytime I would get extra money I would praise Yah and then spend it on something I really wanted and some needs. In February I was reading One Word from God can Change your Life by Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. I was reading the chapter on finance and got a revelation that when you get your harvest don't spend it all on yourself make sure to put some back in the ground. At this time I had extra money and I said you know what Lord from now on any extra money I get I will give you half and spend the other half.

Since November I have had overtime on all of my checks and I don't go looking for the overtime it chases me down. I am asked to take special trips and even regular trips seem to last longer than usual. I have seen an increase like never before. I have shown myself to be a faithful steward. My Pastor has started a series on stewardship and he made such a great point. Yahweh is the owner, we are the managers of his stuff so we should be asking him what he wants us to do with his stuff. Stop thinking you are the owner!! You have to be a faithful steward and Yahweh says in his word who can find one. Remember the parable of the stewards with the five talents. As I write this I have given Yahweh complete control of the decisions I make in my life and like my great friend Neubela said I am soooo free.

Just to testify how the word is true and Yahweh gives seed to the sower since I made my decision I have been able to sow 1,222.00 since the end of February. Working the extra hours is not grievous because I now have extra and I am able to be a blessing to whoever Yahweh chooses. I have been asking him what to do in all things and you know what he answers right away. I say Lord what do you want me to do today, I would like to do xy and z. Then he orders my steps, this is the greatest place to live when you don't have to figure it all out.

I am truly living in the fullness of the BLESSING!!!!!!!!

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