
Sunday, May 18, 2008

Workshop at a Homeless Shelter

On Thursday of last week I had an opportunity given by a great woman of Yahweh Ms. Diva to speak at a homeless shelter for women about inner/outer image. I was kind of nervous at first because it seemed as if every time I tried to prepare for the workshop the Holy Spirit would not let me. I got out my notebook and I felt the Lord saying not now. So I went there with some notes I had written a long time ago when I was preparing for this kind of opportunity. I got there and Yahweh just filled my mouth with the words to speak. I didn't even look at my notes.

The women were very interactive and they seemed to really get it when I told them that whatever they feel on the inside reflects the outside and they have to change the inner image of who they are and get a picture of who and where they want to be and focus on that. I also told them if that can't see it then they will never SEE it. Everything comes from your spirit when you physically see it that is because the blue print was already drawn on the inside and then the image was built on the outside. Your hope is the blue print and faith is the builder. If you have no hope faith can't fill it.

I believe the women went away with an understanding that you are not your circumstance or your situation because that is what can be seen, it is what you are trying to birth on the inside of you that is what you are. I likened it to being pregnant you don't know how Yahweh gets all the molecules and things inside your body to operate and form this little person, but you know your pregnant. Your imagination starts to take hold and you are convinced your having a baby, so the same is for everything in your life when you get pregnant with it you have to give birth to it and no one can convince you otherwise. Yahweh has impregnated all of us with something and if we take or vitamins and do the right thing(read the word and listen for instruction) your baby will be born.

For the outer image I gave them a lot of great fashion tips and personal tips like always keep your nails clean and filed, clear polish would be a plus. Also never wear white underwear under white pants, white is never the same shade. They really identified with the nails and about three stories were told about that one involving a lady being caught in a credit card scam because when she went to pay and the cashier noticed her nails and knew she didn't have the money she was spending and called the cops and the lady was arrested. Another was an undercover cop posing as a homeless man and the people noticed he wasn't homeless because his nails were clean. We had great laughs and information was well received.

I believe I received instuction about my image consulting business, it will not be geared toward adults. Yahweh has shown me that it will be a image and style consulting firm that will go to the schools and hold workshops for highschool and college age girls, to help them with their inner image. He has also shown me that I will be a mentor to these girls and young women and they wil come to me for prayer. These workshops will sought after by other schools and states. At the POC Academy this will be a mandatory class for the kids and guess what the best part is, Yahweh has shown me my husband teaching the boys!!!!! I am pregnant with this and I will give birth with all of dear friends as the midwives. My hope is drawing the blueprint.


Rachael426 said...

Woo hoo! Awesome!

In The New said...

I'm not one bit surprised that you did so well Tarsha! As always I am so impressed with how anointed you are and how Yahweh has molded and 'fashioned' you (no pun intended) :) preparing you for the visions and the dreams that are stiring and bubbling up inside of you, about to manifest in such an awesome way. You better go Girl! I am proud of you!

Yadira said...

I am so happy I did not go with you (honestly)...this was for you and you did fabulous...Yahweh knew what He was doing not having me there. I'm so proud of how far you've come and can't wait to see this baby!